Since the election, my social media pages have been buzzing from all walks of life. Posts after posts are being shared, some about how to dump trump and others about the good he has to offer. Some people are ecstatic and while others are devastated by the end results. There's very few in between.
But, now that the election has come to a close, I expected people to live what they preach. And I would expect, the people who are protesting in the streets, to act against what they are protesting in the first place.
In my life outside of my blogging world, I'm really into politics. I'm very knowledgeable about current and past events and even into some conspiracies, as I'm open to hear anything and don't only form my opinions based on the mainstream media.
With that, I've never talked politics on here. And I don't plan to. But, what I do want to focus on is providing a different side other than what all the other websites seem to be sharing.
On my blog, I am always talking about peaceful parenting and being kind. I share details of my life that demonstrate a different life outside the norm. One with mutual respect between my children and myself. And the infamous, talking out our problems instead of punishment. But the truth is, it's not just a parenting style. It's a lifestyle. What everyone wants their children to be, starts at home. It starts with how children see their role models act and behave. No outside person is more important than you, the parent.
My children and I live a peaceful life of kindness and all that it encompasses. We go out of our way to help people and I preach understanding and not to use the word hate, or to feel that strong emotion.
Because, hate is learned.
But contrary to popular belief, this presidential campaign didn't cause all this hate and anger in our world. It was already there. It's in the music that plays all around us. It's in all the television shows that bombard our screens. And, the countless negative political ads that played during my children's cartoons during the day. Everywhere you look, hate is spewing from the faucet. This election just gave people an excuse for it to be socially acceptable to fight about.
People are the ones who are pulling away from the light on their own. Children are not being taught to respect people, to love people, and to be kind to people. Because quite frankly, some adults don't either.
So when I see all these posts being shared on social media about, What do we tell our children about the president?
Well, you tell them, he said things he shouldn't have said. He's done things he shouldn't have done. The details don't need to be shared. But hey, he's human and we've all been there. We all had that foot in mouth moment or that moment when something seemed like a good idea at the time, but then listening to it later, made us all cringe. I'd tell them that Donald raised a great family and was a hands on father, despite building an empire. I'd continue to say, that over the years he was in the entertainment business and most of the time, he was portraying a character that the viewers craved. So, none of us really know who he is behind closed doors. I'd also say, sadly the reality is, he's an elite businessman and to get to that level, he stepped on a lot of toes and climbed over a lot of people. So, he has enemies. And enemies always have their own stories. And lastly, I'd tell them that people will always try to say things to bring you down. It doesn't make it right, but it's who THEY are. And we shouldn't judge people based on their poor choices. That's not for us to do. Our role is to talk to our children about what they are seeing around us. Not just with the election, but daily life too. We need to guide them through what their brains are absorbing and steer them on the path you want them on. Constant conversations should unfold. So when they're older and don't have you beside them, holding their hands, they'll know what are just "words" and what is worth listening to.
It all starts at home. Everything you want your children to be, you also have to be. So, it doesn't matter who is the President because, that person doesn't have the influence that mom and dad have. The President isn't the one raising your children or providing the morals and values of day to day.
Children don't see the world the way adults do. They don't judge people based off wealth, status, color, or religion. They base friends off of who is standing the closest to them at recess or who is sitting at their lunch table. So as long as the parents don't talk about their own judgments, children won't even think it.
So in the end, we tell our children that the sun will rise, the birds will chirp, and there will be air to breathe. You tell them they will always be loved by their loved ones. You tell them to always look for the good in people, to be open, and to always listen before assuming. Tell them to accept people for who they are because, you can't change how people act, but only how you react. And you tell them to be the only kind voice that stands against the masses. And finally, you tell your children to build people up and never tear them down.
Because children are always watching and listening... So give them something worth applying.
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