Friday, September 21, 2018

That time I was bullied online for speaking my mind...

The other day, I found myself caught up in a post on a local news page. I'm not sure why I do it, because it never ends well for me...

I live in a small county, where people's ideals and parenting are similar to the belief system as, "if they're still breathing, they're fine." Some families here still believe in spanking and having limited contact with their children in fear, it will baby them (or turn them into the infamous, snowflake).

So someone like me, completely blows their mind...

It was the similar post that we've all seen in our newsfeeds - it doesn't matter where you live, this exists everywhere - A mom who publicly shamed her bullying child on social media.

Of course, I do not defend the child, bullying is wrong in every shape and form, but it is not exclusive to only children... And let's face it, the mother is a bully too.

I think, if your brain even goes to the thought to publicly shame your child as punishment, you need to rethink a few things.

And of course, I was left defending a parenting style, which is so progressive, that most people can't even wrap their brains around the idea.

The concept of saying, bullying wouldn't happen if children had their needs met, were respected, weren't shamed, threatened, or punished doesn't seem logical to some people. They still think that a child needs to be beatened, to fear someone, then in turn, that creates respect... But that's not true. Sure, they respect, because they're scared not to... But they don't fully understand why they're doing it - that's why it doesn't carry on forever. Punishment displays dominance and control, so children are also learning to dominate weaker people, as they age... Children that are respected, understand why they should continue to do so and want to pass it onto the outside world... 

But nonetheless, the masses came out with their pitchforks and mob mentality took over. And I was the target of a lot of people's self projections and fears from their own demons.

*There's so much anger and aggression for a lot of people who think their parenting is raising well adjusted children... And for the love of all things holy, don't defend a bully, by saying she's not a bully, by being a bully to someone else. It's contradictive.

And even after explaining myself, over and over again and describing my parenting like I do on my blog, people immediately tried to lump me in a category of, the friend mom, the no rules mom, the Netflix mom, and probably other's that I'm not even aware of. They immediately went to the idea that, "you're the parent who let's their kids run around like idiots in public." As if, not spanking, punishing, or shaming your child automatically means, your children are allowed to run wild and free without rules...

*shaking my head*

Well, how about, I'm the parent and my children know and respect that... But, I'm also not my children's enemy either.

My relationship with them develops, grows, and changes as they age. But the #1 principle that will always remain the same is, I'm not here to control them, I'm here to guide them...

We don't have rules other than to be respectful, kind, and have manners. But we do have limits and set boundries. 

But I feel, being respectful and being respected is the centrifuge of growth... Everything stems from that. My children are taught that they're not above anyone or anything -that includes personal property of their own and others... We save spiders in our home, donate to shelters and animals shelters and leave water outside for animals during the summer and blanket caverns for the winter months. My children smile and say hello to people passing by and hold the door for everyone. They strike up conversations with the check-out person and asks them, "how is your day going?" They sit by the child who is alone at school and my 3rd grader will sit with kindergarteners on the bus and talk with them, as if they're all the same age.

My children are raised with a mother who can only be best described as my spirit sister, Beverly Goldberg, from the TV show, The Goldbergs…

And, it's hard for me to understand why someone wouldn't want to be so involved in their children's lives -just like it's hard for other's to understand how I can be...

And, it's perfectly OK to have different parenting styles, as long as love and respect are the main focus of your strategies. As long as discipline is coming from the heart and not because you're angry in the moment. As long as your child(ren) feelings aren't being dismissed because, you don't want to be bothered that day. And, as long as you're not bullying or shaming your children... And seriously, nothing is that detrimental to spank your child, unless they're burning kittens in the backyard -and then at that point, I think again, you need to reevaluate a lot of other things... 
Because eventually, these emotions and feelings that these children are experiencing from their loved ones, who they love unconditionally and trust implicitly, will negatively reappear later on... And these children will be my children's peers. 
So, that does affect me.

It's almost 2019, and when we know better, we can do better... And, I'd bet a lot of parents just continue to do things the way it's always been done, because they just don't know anything different. 
They aren't being mean or malicious.
The concept of children having rights, opinions, and their own thoughts goes against everything our parent's passed down to us.

That's why I'll always continue to jump onto a thread and share my perspective (and take the verbal abuse because, I know change is hard). Not to say I'm right and you're wrong. But, just to educate people that there is another way - there is always, another way. 

A way which is child-centered and has a nurturing growth process...

*Disclaimer: I understand there are always exceptions to every rule or idea. And, some children have disabilities and/or extenuating circumstances... This is just my opinion based on my education, my life experiences, and experiences from my past profession.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

To my baby boy... The kindergartener.

It's raining, yet again... 
This weather displays the image of how I feel on the inside. 
It's been a week since you started kindergarten, and I've been home without you. 
You've been sitting in a new place, that is filled with things that are different from what you're used to.
There are new sights, people, and that odd cafeteria smell that seems to stay with you, twenty years later.
There are sounds of unfamiliar voices and the squeak of brand new shoes on the newly waxed floors.
You are hearing the way your name sounds through the crowded playground. And I'm sure it sounds completely different, than it does at home.
You will learn about hand raising and taking turns.
You will learn that not everyone is raised the same way and reacts the same.
Some of it you know.
And others, you wish you never knew.
You will learn the basics and you will learn about life.
You will have that phase where I am the most important person in your life. Then eventually, your friends will be.
You will try out every size and shape wings, until you find the pair that was meant for you all along...
I look around and see five years of memories... And, I have loved every minute of it.
I remember so clearly, when you were a baby. I would carry you in your burnt orange colored sling and dip my chin, to kiss the top of your head. A head that is full of beautiful ideas, big dreams, and plans for adventures.
I'd sway back and forth, singing to you, as we attended one of your sister's many activities -and you were always happy to go along for the ride.
I begged for time to stand still.
I swore my heart couldn't handle both of my children aging at this rapid pace.
But I know, time can't stand still. Instead, the heart finds a new way to accept all the impending changes.
And learns to love all of them, even more...

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Sometimes, the first day of school really surprises you...

Last night, you laid out your favorite outfit and packed all your essentials in your backpack. We read our traditional, The Night Before, stories and rested on your bed, as we talked about 3rd grade. 

You were stretched across your twin bed, the same bed you slept on since your first birthday -It's hard to imagine how little space your tiny body used to fill up on this bed. And now, I have to squish myself next to you, in order to fit. 

I rubbed your long blondish/brown hair, as we reminisced about all your school years prior. You giggled when you talked about how you would cling so tightly to me, like it was ancient history. And now, I only get a quick rendition of our secret handshake.

I said, I remember kneeling on the pavement in front of the school doors, eye level to you (as children and staff passed by us), and I would tell you how brave you were. And your sobbing would stop just long enough, to acknowledge the truth in that statement.

But years later, today, you walked in without a care in the world. No fears. No tears. Your friends yelled to you when we walked up, and you ran over to them... This moment, was the moment I wrote about in a blog post all the way back when you were still in kindergarten.

And instead of clinging tightly to me, you grasped tightly onto your little brother's hand. You outstretched your arm, when you noticed his hesitation, and you leaned down eye level to him, and gave him a pep talk. The same way, I used to do for you... Then, when those infamous door opened up, you pulled him close to you and walked him down to his classroom, like the best protective big sister you are.

It's like, one minute you're little and scared -Frantically searching for mommy to cling to... And in the blink of an eye, you're big and making sure your little brother doesn't ever feel the same fears that you once had.

It seemed that, overnight, you matured yourself.

And luckily for him, you're there every step of the way. Being more than just his sister, you're each other's best friends.