It's already early November...
There was so much more I wanted to do before the winter season approaches. Fall is the time in our lives where the brush from our woods have fallen down and clears a natural path for us to explore. The trees become barren and allow for more view and makes the forest less scary for my children.
I wanted to spend our free time, sitting on fallen logs and talking about our surroundings. I wanted to make maps and see where they lead us.
Collect acorns and dried leaves...
Have a fire on our patio and eat marshmallow smores for dinner...I wanted so much more.
But here we are, with our Fall having more rain than not. And we haven't had 3 consecutive sun shining days since 4th of July weekend.
This season is a bust...
And, Summer was a bust.
Our cold weather has quickly approached us, leaving the unfulfilled ideas trailing in the dust. Instead, we're left planning for sleigh riding and snow fort building, but it feels wrong - like we completely skipped over one of our favorite seasons...