Monday, November 5, 2018

Fall is a bust, leaving our unfulfilled ideas trailing in the dust...

It's already early November... 
There was so much more I wanted to do before the winter season approaches. Fall is the time in our lives where the brush from our woods have fallen down and clears a natural path for us to explore. The trees become barren and allow for more view and makes the forest less scary for my children.
I wanted to spend our free time, sitting on fallen logs and talking about our surroundings. I wanted to make maps and see where they lead us. 
Collect acorns and dried leaves...
Have a fire on our patio and eat marshmallow smores for dinner...
I wanted so much more.
But here we are, with our Fall having more rain than not. And we haven't had 3 consecutive sun shining days since 4th of July weekend.

This season is a bust... 
And, Summer was a bust.
Our cold weather has quickly approached us, leaving the unfulfilled ideas trailing in the dust.
Instead, we're left planning for sleigh riding and snow fort building, but it feels wrong - like we completely skipped over one of our favorite seasons...

Thursday, November 1, 2018

This is our Halloween...

After the half day of school concluded, the minutes seemed to trickle by... The momentum of being excited quickly fizzled out and we were left lounging on the couch, under the blankets, watching some Thundermans Halloween specials to pass the time.

When 5:00 pm neared, both children were already donned head to toe in their costumes - I've never seen them get dressed that fast, nor that efficient, without my help - it's funny how that works, isn't it?.

We geared up and headed to our local hotspot, with a big group of my daughter's friends.

And they spent the next 2.5 hours running from house to house...

When I think of Halloween, this is what I imagine... A group of kids, all running in the same general direction and each one trying to be the first to knock on the door.

There's a lot of, "wait up!" being yelled.
Children running back towards their parents screaming, "They gave king sized chocolate!"
And, a few regrouping being done by the parents - followed by a lot of head counts (or maybe that's just me, the crazy helicopter parent).

I love watching their excitement of seeing the decorated homes and that nostalgic feeling of being leary when bushes surround a door, in fear someone will jump out. Then, when it does happen, hearing the explanations on how they weren't really scared. Or, from the ones who admitted it and owned it.

I love hearing them be brave, be scared, be thoughtful and respectful.

I love watching them be courteous of their friends and making sure that everyone stuck together... I love how one girl made sure my son had a hand to hold the entire night.

I love hearing them tell jokes, sing silly songs, or even sing a verse from their upcoming musical...

And, I love how they talk all spooky, when they hit a dark-out part with no lit houses. But then, run really fast past it, shrieking and holding hands...

This is Halloween...

This is, our Halloween.

Being adventurous.

Halloween is not about walking around a parking lot, waiting in lines with a few hundred people, begging for candy out of people's trunks - like you're doing an illegal exchange.

That will never be Halloween for me, or for us.

The old fashioned way, will always be ours...

Because, these memories are just too good, to stop creating.