Sunday, May 10, 2020

The transformation of Motherhood...

Almost 10 years ago, my life was about to change... I never once believed it for a second. Seriously, how could one tiny human change everything about your existence, anyways?

I went into parenthood at almost 30 years old and set in my ways. I figured this new baby would just nonchalantly fit into my life and I could carry on, as things were...

But, as you could tell, that didn't happen... Not one bit.

In fact, I delve into a world that was the complete opposite of everything I was ever exposed to. Once my baby was born, I knew she deserved more, than what I pictured in my head... Every child does.

She deserved a mother who didn't think about her own needs and a mother who sacrificed everything to make sure she was first.

All of the sudden, there was this baby that didn't care that I never slept or sat up at night and watched her sleep, just to make sure she was breathing... She didn't care that I didn't see friends anymore or that I didn't shower for 4 days...

All she cared about, was her need for me.

My motherhood journey didn't start after giving birth, it started when I transformed. It started when I realized the secret to motherhood is quite simply, lead with love and support. Also, just be actively present and focus on the positive moments, while sweeping the hard ones under the rug.

Don't stay in the negative space and assume that when children do something wrong, it's intentional or a manipulative dig at you.

And, you can NEVER spoil a child with too much love and security...

My children have built me from the ground up -I didn't have a purpose before them... And, every day that I get to be their mom, is such a privilege and gift. My goal is to honor them everyday, by being the best version of myself. And, allow them to become the person they were meant to be, not something I created in my head.

So, on this mother's day, I celebrate the transformation of motherhood and my children's gift to me, of being the perfect versions of themselves.

Happy Mother's Day...

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