This is the life I always want to remember, never wanting to forget. Years from now, when my husband and I are empty nesters, I want to remember the house filled with utter loudness, toys everywhere, food in places you can't imagine, and best of all, the incredible amount of love.
I want to remember the feeling of standing outside my children's bedroom and hearing them talk about the day ahead of them. To remember the feeling of tears almost filling up when I see my daughter go out of her way to help her brother. Or seeing them shoulder to shoulder reading and completing puzzles.
I want those memories of this amazing time in the forefront.
...Because this time is truly amazing.
I want to remember the way my son immediately reaches for his sister as soon as he becomes scared or isn't sure about something.
Or, seeing them laughing to hysterics and using their limitless imaginations while swimming in their pool.
Life with two children has been unbelievably magical. But, being a stay at home mom, I tend to take each day for granted -knowing it will always be there tomorrow. However, I appear to be falling victim to Father Time, not realizing how much time is actually passing, until the time is gone.
In the moment, time seems to stand still. I get caught up in the repetitious routines of the day. On some days, the moments that are breathtaking, are the times I'm rushing them to fit in some schedule -I don't realize they're breathtaking until both of my children are sound to sleep and I relive the day in my head, by myself.
The silent night is the time I sometimes replay everything over again. That's when I sit and scroll through old photos, astonished by the growth and development of both children and surprised by the concept that my first baby will be 5 years old in about 5 weeks and my son, almost 3. Then at that moment, I snapshot all those images into my brain. All the memories over the past years. To have them as a keepsake; and a reminder that everyday is different and cannot be taken for granted. That time is fleeting and will leave you wondering how you ended up with an almost 5 & 3 year old.
Because, Father Time will not wait for anyone.
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