If my children are going to be taught respect and manners and implement them in the real world, I'd expect you as adults to show my children the same in return...
I'm baffled by how many times my children have said "hi" to a stranger, or complimented them, or held doors for people, or picked up a dropped item for someone in the check out lane, only to be flat-out ignored or never get a thank you in return.
Then me, as the parent, has to create a teaching moment and let my children know that just because others are inconsiderate, you aren't. And you don't do nice things for the "thank yous", but because it's the right thing to do.
And being kind is a contagious thing.
And you want to be patient zero.
But my issue is, when are we going to reach a point in society where children are given the same respect as adults?
When their positive voice and positive actions aren't overlooked, but only their negative behaviors are brought to the forefront... I'd bet, if my children were tantruming in the store, or whining in the check out lane, another adult wouldn't hesitate for a second to offer their two cents...
So why ignore them when they're displaying an act of human decency? Why not praise the positive and reinforce it by participating in the action? Or simply, just do it because that is the respectful way of the world.
No one is holding a door for you, because there is an invisible red carpet that only you see... The door is being held, because they were the last to touch it. And it would be impolite to have it close in your face -- So, say thank you. Especially, if a child is the one holding it.
It seems pretty simple to me. You want a society of respectful children, then adults should start being more respectful towards children.
Take the extra second to acknowledge that little human standing next to you, the one who's ready to help or say something positive at a drop of the dime.
Stop assuming children will just eventually "get it."
They need to be shown the adult behaviors of the world, in order to emulate them.
Remember, kindness begins with the littlest ones.
And I'm raising my children to be the part of the movement where, kindness trumps all.
Then maybe, it'll start spreading to more adults...
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