If you sat and listened to the news all day long, or even for five minutes, you'd think this world is filled with horrible people. When in fact, this world is really a beautiful place that houses the majority of good people -with a few stragglers here and there that could easily get voted off the island.
This world is filled with supportive and caring humans, who don't see color, race, or religion. People, who go out of their way to help a person down at any cost. Mainly, we are people, who see people... read that again...
But, the media isn't capturing any of that during this time... They're not showing all the cops who are hugging it out with the protesters or dropping to their knees, instead of using rubber bullets and tear gas. Or, the protesters who banded together to protect a police officer who was torn away from the others. They're not capturing the solidarity from all the other countries, who are standing in unison and protesting with us. They're also not capturing the protesters who are stopping the looters and turning them over to the police.
They're not capturing the pleas and cries, the pleases and thank yous, or the kneeling and praying...
They're only capturing the buildings that are burning. The protesters who are attacking police officers. The police officers who are attacking protesters. The looters. The vandals... And so on, and so forth.
Because, that's not what the media does... The media is a corporation that fuels fires and creatives narratives.
And we can't fall for it.
There isn't an abundance of hate in this world. But, there is a lack of love and respect. We can no longer go about living our lives unconcerned about the impact we have on the world and on others. We need to realize, that when we make others suffer, we indeed suffer ourselves as well. We are all connected... We are all humans...
And it starts small. It starts with the parents who are raising the next generation... Because hate is learned, it's not something we're born with.
Children are sponges and absorb everything they see around them... Mamas, they're watching you bitch and complain about the delivery driver not arriving fast enough. They're watching, as you yell at the customer service worker, because something didn't work out as you would have liked. They're watching you, as you belittle the waiter/waitress because, you're food wasn't as quick as McDonalds. They're watching your road rage. They're watching you fight with strangers on the internet. They're watching your disrespect for authority. Most of all, they're watching your disrespect for humanity...
See all the good in the world, see the beauty and be the change you wish to see. Be the light that guides others out of the darkness... Heal the world, and heal yourself.
Live with a purpose...
And, let's love one another <3
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