Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's a sibling thing

I don’t know about everyone, but for me, when I was pregnant with baby #2 I was border line neurotic worrying how my daughter was going to take to her little brother. I didn’t know if she would go about her life and pretend he wasn’t there –never accepting him. Or scream and tantrum the second I went to his aid. My daughter was the only one for 28 months. She didn’t have to share her toys, belongings, or worst –mommy’s time (eeeek!).

I grew up with a brother who was 26 months older than me, I worshipped him. We instantly took to each other and to this day, we are extremely close. He was my best friend growing up –a constant person who was always guaranteed to be in my life. He accepted me and always made sure I was allowed to play with him and his friends.

So when I was expecting a boy the second time around, I had visions of my brother and my relationship –all the fun we had and the incredible bond we still maintain to this day. And I couldn’t contain the joy the memories brought to me.

Thankfully, my daughter is a good girl. She would give someone her last piece of food if they needed it. She shares, gives, and is grateful for anything and everything. So, I wasn’t too surprised when she welcomed her little brother with open arms into our lives. She had a few hesitant moments –like when he was going through a crying period, or when he wants nothing more than to be attached to mommy. But she trudges forward and continues to accept him.

Now that my 10.5 month old is mobile, she is overly concerned about particles on the floor or if a toy is too small for him to have. If he falls, she picks him up. If he cries, she hugs and kisses him. She watches over him like a hawk and is forever concerned for his well-being.

She’s graduated from saying “mommy, can you put him away” to “I love you my honey bunny” (her nickname for him) in 10.5 short months.

And it’s not only her. When I watch him looking at her, I can’t imagine another human being loving another person the way he loves her. My daughter loves her brother, but she knows a life without him. But my son doesn’t know a single second without his big sister in his life –he adores her like royality.

I am beyond grateful that I have the opportunity to watch these two grow, laugh, and love. They are giving me a gift that I can never repay. Siblings have a bond that is incredible –they will stand by each other through thick and thin. They will love each other despite flaws that others see. Hopefully, these two will grow up to maintain their friendship like my brother and I did. 

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