Sunday, October 12, 2014

Full circle: A girl and her poppy

Running from ride to ride, I could hear a raspy, hoarse voice chattering away behind me. If I closed my eyes, I swore I was hearing an old video of myself. 

It was enough to halt my movements and take me back. Back to a time when I was her age, enjoying all the simplicity of life. When deciding which ride I was going on was the biggest decision I would have to make. Back to a time, when I was the center of everyone's universe, just like my children are now.

No fears, because someone would always be there.
No worries, because someone would always fix them.

My daughter and my dad (her poppy) walked hand in hand through the entire amusement park, periodically stopping to admire all the wonderful Halloween decorations that were positioned throughout. They conversed about the upcoming ride, or just about how much fun they were having. He would occasionally scoop her up when she tired, letting her long legs dangle past his knees. The love between them is breathtaking.  

I stood behind the cold metal fencing, both a video camera and digital camera in each hand, smiling at the vision of my dad and daughter snuggled tightly on the Scrambler ride. Both laughing, that could be heard over the mechanics of the ride, and giggling over the joy they were experiencing together. She would pretend she was brave enough to sit on the other side of the chair, then let go, knowing he was there to hold her even tighter.

I smiled, while reliving the past experiences I encountered while on that same ride, many years ago, with my dad.

She exited the Scrambler stating, "that was the best ride ever!" Thankfully, my dad was able to ride it another 455 times because I was already nauseous from video taping them.

Go back almost 30 years, and you could easily swap my daughter and myself. We are a spitting image of each other, with our talkative nature and constant motion. However, I could still see myself walking that same amusement park, holding my dad's hand, talking up a storm with that same raspy voice. While screaming and leaning tightly into my dad's arm for comfort on rides.

I didn't need a video camera, as I felt like I have seen this movie before.

Standing against that cold metal fence, I saw a full circle come back around. It truly is amazing how quickly time passes. One minute, you're snuggled up next to your dad, the next, you're watching your daughter snuggle up next to your dad. 

She has picked up where time left off. She is the extra extension of me that fits perfectly into the finishing puzzle.

She is poppy's little girl, as I was daddy's little girl.

There is no ending to this... Just the beginning of a new memory... With it's own story to share.

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