It seemed like yesterday, I would find my daughter with her pacifier embedded in her mouth and her fingers clasped tightly around her sheet -walking around, with the world at her fingertips.
If she became scared, she was instantly soothed.
If she needed comfort, she was instantly comforted.
This once crisp white, decaled sheet stood the test of time. It was there for scary dreams, long car rides, and preschool days. It has been dropped in lakes, creeks, pools, and even the ocean. It wiped away tears and healed boo boos.
Her simple, security essentials to surviving her 0-5 years.
To my daughter, this sheet and pac combo had magical powers. Once summoned, anything that couldn't be conquered, was now conquerable.
I always imagined her "pac" and "sheet" were both going to college with her. Those were the two most important items to pack in my bag, even over snacks. They became a fixture, a part of her, and everyone in our family knew them as the pac and sheet.
But as time passes and people grow, those once very needed items are no longer carried with her. They remain nestled among her pillows and bedding, waiting for her at bedtime.
At night, she now hugs the sheet, pulling it against her cheek, and it remains snuggled there until she wakes. Then disregarded when the sun peeks through her bedroom windows. Additionally, the pac is no longer needed for sucking, but rather, for holding. Just there so she feels the comfort.
All of the sudden, she is able to face the day time world head on, without the assistance of her magical items. If she gets hurt, she brushes it off, if she gets upset, she figures out how to make herself happy, if she becomes scared, she fights her fear...
...All qualities she decided to accomplish on her own, in her own time. She decided when it was appropriate to allow herself to grow. I myself, would have allowed her to take these items to college with her if they brought that much joy -I could think of worse things.
I was never the type of parent to force my children to forfeit an item that was so dear to them. Especially, one that has brought immense comfort and satisfaction to her small, scary world.
Sadly, I still instinctively pack these items out of repetition, but later realize, it was completely unnecessary. I find I have a hard time with my children getting older and not needing so much comfort. These little changes disrupt my every days state. Things that were a guarantee, are no longer and things that were as constant as the sun rising, are now nonexistent.
My newly 5 year old, has magically transformed over night.
So now, I tuck my children into bed, my daughter with her sheet and pac and my son with his doggy and blanket, and breathe in all the precious moments of childhood. I relish in their childish behaviors and their habits that seem babyish, because before I know it, it'll all be over. Those once everyday moments, will be a memory in the past. And that sheet and pac and doggy and blanket, will all one day be tucked away memories stored in a tote, to be looked upon at a much later date.
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