As the weather quickly becomes more beautiful than the days before, I find myself falling into my spring pattern. My blog posts may become infrequent and inconsistent, but what remains consistent is, every year I seem to go into hiding when the first spring flower blooms.
Blog posts become scarce and Instagram posts are far and few in between...
We become so home bound through our winter months, that even mid 40 degrees feels like summer to us. So, I instinctively begin spring cleaning and trying to fit every kind of outdoor activity into our day. Then, I actually <strangely> become overwhelmed at the thought of doing everything in one day -and become exhausted at sunset. Even though that is silly and it's not even realistic.
The beautiful weather has come at a perfect time too. Somewhere between us being sick, a blizzard, and freezing cold weather, we've all started to bump heads. I think for a second, our 1600 sq/ft home became too small.
My daughter and I were beginning that infamous, everything I say she has to disagree with phase. Which started from sun up to sun down, and has been delightful to say the least <insert sarcasm>.
My son has begun following, Erik Erikson's initiative versus guilt stage, where he is asserting his independence ten fold and also doesn't understand the depths of apparent dangers when he attempts to do things like, stand on top of the cozy coupe while his sister pushes it, or something similar -then, I'm the bad guy when I try to stop him.
My peaceful parenting has been tried, tested, and stretched. But in the end, we made it. With patience and understanding --And some early bedtimes. And LOTS of cupcakes (for me, not the kids).
And, as the rebirth of our earth transforms and new change emerges, the home dynamics begin to shift. Our days are now spent outdoors, exploring, pretending, and roaming without the constraints of artificial walls...
Perfectly timed, too.
Spring is the unofficial kick off to better, brighter times, and less stepping on each other's toes, times.
A time where my coed softball begins and my daughter's softball begins and her indoor ninja warrior classes are ending.
A time when we move our rope swing and rope latter out of our basement and attach it to our outside tree. And our crocs are waiting, lined by the back door. Big wheels are parked outdoors and cozy coupes are now on grass. And, our patio is filling up with roller skates, scooters, and chalk...
And pool weather is just right around the corner.
So when we finally get used to the weather and the urge to not waste a single moment of outdoor air wears off -and it always does- I'll get back to blogging my three times a week again. But until then, I'll definitely keep it up at least once a week.
Because, I'm always so flattered when I lapse a week or so and people reach out to me saying, how they miss my posts or even asking, if everything is ok?
I'm grateful for you people...
And, this is why I started blogging in the first place. To help parents through their days, just like other bloggers did for me.
Because without all you lovely people, I would just be a blogger, writing to the sound of silence.
And thank you all for that :)
**I wrote a previous post about voting for me on Top Mommy Blogs -You can view my post here for the details --> Top Mommy Blogs Post
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