Friday, July 28, 2017

A new counter top adds charm and brings back memories...

It's raining, yet again. My children are playing Roblox and I'm watching, Father Knows Best, on my little on-air tube TV. Recently, we removed a half wall that stood behind my sink and put in a new white counter top with chairs, to open up my small kitchen and connect the kitchen and family room.

The white Formica reminds me of a 1980's hotel room, but I must say, it was hard to match a neutral color to existing pepto-bismol pink tiles... And eventually, I plan to paint the cabinets white and swap out the pink tiles for white ones.

These two rooms are the smallest two rooms in my home, but yet, where we spend all of our time. I'm usually tinkering in the kitchen, making something, my husband is on the couch (which would be behind this photo), and my children are sitting at this counter coloring or crafting... 

Being in this home for 9 years, I've realized that the four of us are definitely candidates to live in one of those tiny houses, because even at 1600 sq/ft, my home is too big...

And I love that we're always on top of each other... Because that way, our home is never filled with silence. Whether it's conversation, a television, a blender, or a brother and sister yelling at each other... Either way, these two rooms hold more love and memories than any other room in my home. And years from now, I can't imagine the emptiness I'll feel, when I stand at the other end of that sink, and look over, and see only my aging husband on the couch, without two children draped over him. Without hearing them talk louder than the television and eagerly try to get their words in before the other. Or, when I look to my right and imagine the red swing that used to hang from the doorway beam. Or, how many nights we made muffins and chocolate chip cookies, and danced in our pajamas to 1980's songs in the kitchen...

Smaller homes bring a wonderful togetherness, that seems to get lost in bigger homes (I mean that literally too - you can't have two people in my kitchen without having to hug the other person, in order to walk around them). And, I love how much more interaction this small little counter has already added to our days. 

...Also, once we removed the wall, we noticed the back of our faucet is peeled, so now we totally need a new one of those...
Hashtag: there's always something...

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