Monday, July 24, 2017

Making the most out of awful weather...

It has either been 90 degrees with 90% humidity or pouring rain with severe thunderstorms this whole summer. In turn, summer's been a bust thus far. Our dreams of afternoon trips to the farm, or playground extravaganzas, or even bike riding are canceled out in fear of heat exhaustion or getting caught under the darkened clouds looming low in the sky. 

But today, after an early thunderstorm (and tornado warnings in surrounding counties), we had a chance to get outside in the pool. The temperatures were only 78 degrees, with of course 80% humidity, but that didn't phase us, as the breeze felt wonderful under our shaded tree.

I sat on my green high back chair on my patio, drinking my coffee in my pajamas, as my children laughed and splashed in the pool. I heard Marco Polo being played, whirlpools being created to trick a sea monster, and seeing who could win races back and forth...

This is what I imagined summer would be. Hearing my aging children play outside in our little oasis that was created solely for them. To breath the fresh air, instead of central air, and feel the sun against our skin. But instead, lately, we're caught in a groove of watching Netflix, YouTube, and playing Roblox. Of course, only after we're bored from crafting, coloring, and board game playing. And, after they've played on their own with Batman and pretend school. 

There seems to be too many hours in the day and not enough good weather to enjoy each moment. We're outdoorsy people and feel the confinement of being indoors almost instantly. So, we try to run between the rain drops and get outside, even if it's to swim in the pool for a few minutes, or climb their rope swing and rope latter for a few more minutes after that. 

This awful weather seems to be the pattern we're stuck in and it's looking like it'll continue well into next month as well. So we're going to keep making the most out of our days and hope for the sunshine to last a little longer than an hour. And, if we cross our fingers tight enough, we might even get an early evening patio fire in. Where we can have dinner and a snack of smores on our thick blanket among the dry air... 

Maybe. Just maybe... We'll salvage some of this summer, before our end of the season beach trip in just three weeks and school begins almost immediately after that.

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