Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sometimes a girl just needs her daddy

The day was chaotic (I know I use that word a lot).

My daughter wouldn’t stop whining or fighting with her brother. She was miserable, mostly from being overtired, but miserable nonetheless. Nothing I could do was correct or made her happy –it was just one of those days in the life of a 3 year old.

Her brother would attempt to give her a hug, but that wouldn’t work either.

He would hand her a toy with no avail.

However, when her daddy arrived home from work she beamed from ear to ear while running to the backdoor, already knowing the sound of his car.

He scooped her up in his arms, cradling her like a baby, while griping tightly onto her dangling legs.

They lied on the couch, sharing a blanket and hugs. Her doll, Curly Shirley, was tucked neatly into her sheet and daddy put on her favorite cartoon, Octonauts, while they giggled.

She was a completely different child.

Sometimes it takes another person to calm the storm -Someone else who is objective, with a fresh mindset.

Or quite frankly, sometimes a girl just needs her daddy. 

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