Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A girl and her skates

As soon as my daughter's eyes open to the light of day, she places her two tiny feet into these skates. She's sometimes half awake and still wearing her nightgown, from only sleeping a few minutes ago. Her hair is usually wild and unruly or knotted in a loose ponytail. She rolls across the floor on repeat, while her wheels rumble a different sound when she glides from carpet to hardwoods.

When we enter our home from kindergarten, she quickly removes her school shoes and places them nicely by the backdoor, then dons her favorite skates. She picks up right where she left off from the morning ride.

She sings songs as she circles the inside of our home, tells stories, and even drags her fingers across the breakfast nook wall to tap her sight words that are taped in order.

This roller skating time has become our special time. I listen as she tells me all about her kindergarten stories and her experiences with friends, while she passes me making dinner in the kitchen. She stops to hang onto the refrigerator door to tell me an exciting part, then quickly skates off into the other rooms before circling back to tell me more.

A girl and her skates. Not only practicing to become better, but creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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