Thursday, November 26, 2015

A thankful Thanksgiving

The holiday table was set and the smell of turkey permeated in the background. Christmas music was softly playing on an old fashioned radio that was nestled into the corner of the kitchen counter. My parents were hovered over the stove, completing the finishing touches on all the dinner sides. I pushed my way through to make the homemade gravy, while both of my children rode their big wheels around my parent's home, only stopping to deliver mail to all of us workers in the kitchen. My husband set up shop in front of the television, watching football games and snuggled himself under the heavy blankets. My children would drop mail on his belly as the looped around the home, screeching the tires around the corners. Their voices becoming louder with their happiness increasing. 

We sat down to a full table of wonderful home cooked food and enjoyed great conversations with loved ones and listened to Thanksgiving stories from my daughter. My son also chimed in with random thoughts that he added to her stories. We clanked glasses as my children said "cheers" a few dozen times and we passed around food to fill our plates. We all had individual conversations going on at the same time and our volume gradually increased as we attempted to talk over each other.  

While sitting around a beautifully decorated table full with some of the most important people in my life, I smiled, as I was overcome with happiness. I realized how big my children had become each year and how adult-like they now appear. They contributed to the conversation, instead of just being asked about. Maturity and growth happened among everyone this year. My parent's just celebrated being together for 50 years, my brother just turned 36 years old, and my german shepherd turned 9 years old. 

These moments are the ones that keep me thankful and grateful. Thankful for the love that is in my life and grateful for the wonderful people who complete it. I am beyond grateful and thankful for the opportunity to watch my children change and grow, right before my very eyes. And the immense love I receive from them daily.

From my family to yours... Happy Thanksgiving!

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