Saturday, November 28, 2015

Oh Christmas tree... Oh Christmas tree.

Each strand of light was tightly wound around the tree. Each garland piece was delicately placed on branches. And, each ornament was strategically placed on every end, keeping the favorite ones in the front. Then after the masterpiece was concluded by two small children, who wanted to put the Christmas tree up over a month ago, we set up the village... And my son and daughter did a beautiful job with that too. My daughter must have laid out several different patterns of placement before she finalized the last one. Then one by one, both children eagerly unwrapped each tree, accessory, and glass people from years past newspaper. So much love and heart goes into decorating the tree and village. Each piece has a memory and a story. And I cannot wait to tell it, every year. My Christmas tree is the same one my grandparents used in their house in the 1960s. The ornaments are from when I was a child and the village was my parents, with the people and accessories from both my grandparents and parents...

Before children, I still decorated the same way as today. I have always enjoyed decorating the house like the Griswolds, both inside and out. And, there is something magical about staring down into a Christmas village. But, now with my children older, I absolutely adore decorating even more. To me, there isn't a wrong way to decorate and I enjoy watching both children randomly place ornaments on the tree and place the glass people in spots they think needed them. It's a completely different perspective from me and I embrace it. Even if the barn is right next to the houses, instead of off by itself and 5 ornaments share a branch. Christmas is completely for the children and I love that my children have a colorful house fully decorated for the season.

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