Sunday, April 3, 2022

The fleeting days of childhood...

The one thing every parent has in common is, they feel like there is never enough time...

Time seems to pass at an alarming rate when we have children. But, there is also a chaotic mixture of watching the clock tick by and wondering where the day went.

Parents are caught between work, errands, piles of never ending laundry, dishes, and every other facet of adulting, while trying to find time for their children.

Balance is hard.

Some either lean to one side or the other. But, very few parents have figured out the perfect mixture.

So, I'm here to remind you to put down the laundry and stuff it into the nearest closet. Use it as a dresser for the next few days and pull clean clothes out of it. Or shove it hastily into drawers - I don't care what you do with it. But, put down whatever you're doing and go make some connections with your children.

Go build blocks on the floor with them. Run through the rain. Swing on some swings. Have a dance party. Or, jump on a scooter and have some races - like I am doing in this photo.

Be a kid, with your kids!

Whatever it is, take the time to get onto your child's level and be present in the moment with them. Even if it's just for a little bit - quality is so much better than quantity.

It's true that they'll never remember how clean the house was or how perfectly folded the clothes are. But, they will remember the day you raced them on a too-small-for-you-scooter and lost, by a lot... They'll remember the moments they laughed so hard, they fell over... They'll remember the nights you let them stay up past their bedtime for a backyard fire... Or, the times you attempted a flip on the trampoline (and didn't succeed)...

That's what they'll remember from childhood.

There isn't a pause button that we can click, so we can finish that last dish in the sink - as your child is trying to tell you a story about their favorite character from Mickey Mouse... Instead, the endless mundane cycles of adulthood will always remain. But your child won't be this age forever...

Go enjoy it❤

Make sure you're following me on my Instagram @the_happy_days

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