Monday, October 9, 2017

4 year Blogiversary, with an added about me section...

Over the course of this past week, my Facebook news feed was buzzing with different posts about my past Blogiversaries... It appears, I completely forgot about it already being 4 years that I have been a mommy blogger.

But wow! I almost need a moment to say, that all went by quickly...

As of now, my blog is still a hobby. Meaning, I don't do sponsored posts or get money for any of my writings. I get offers all the time, but I like the free range I have to post on my own accord and about whatever I want. Eventually, I'd like to take my blog to the next level, but for now, I'm enjoying where it is at... That being said, even without the outlets that sponsored posts enable, my blog is still reaching a lot of people. Each post gets a few hundred views and I'm incredibly grateful for each person who reads my writings. Because, I want to inspire as many people as I can to enjoy motherhood, even with all its ups and downs. To help others not feel so alone in this huge world. And to let them know, there are others out there who think and feel, just like you do...

I first started this, when my son was 9 months old and my daughter was newly 3 years old. I felt like I was free falling daily and I was in survival mode. I had trouble getting into the routine of everyone needing me at the exact same time and I struggled with the mom guilt of sometimes having to say, "wait a minute," to one of my children.

Here is the link to the past blogiversary post...
2 year Blogiversary...

Four years later, from the first time my fingers typed out a blog post, I am a different person. I was already changing after having my first child, but adding a second child into the mix early on, threw my straight line into a zigzag. And, I had to balance it back out... Blogging was not only a way for me to put my thoughts into words so I could reflect on them, but it also held me accountable for who I wanted to become.

I was raised very differently from how I parent now. And being from a small town, I wasn't exposed to many other styles of parenting. But after scouring for other mommy bloggers to connect with, in order to open up my mommy blogging world to other like-minded individuals, I discovered a blogger who had very similar ideologies and background. She was everything I wanted to become, only, I wasn't aware of it yet.

Her words would always resonate with me and her parenting appeared effortless. She was kind, patient, and always understanding. She admitted to bad days, but never hovered on them. And I strongly believe(d) that was the key to happiness with small children, keep moving forward and never dwell on tough moments...

But there I was, stuck in a rut of only focusing on the negative. And surrounded by negativity from the world around me... My Facebook feed was filled with parents complaining about their children. Sometimes posting photos or memes mocking their kids. And they would boast about drinking their wine after their kids went to sleep, like they deserved an award for parenting. 

I knew I didn't want to be like them... Hell, I always made a point to be different, even if it was just for principle... So I thought, why not at least make my being different, a movement.

So, after finding other fellow mommy bloggers with similar styles and beliefs, I discovered there was a whole world out there I never knew existed...

There were these hippie, attachment, peaceful, gentle, unschooling parents, who really enjoyed being around their children all the time. Ones who also do not believe in punishment, but self respect and body autonomy. And agree that kindness, patience, understanding, and love serve as a wonderful disciplinary technique. And, guidance through modeled behaviors, serve as the number one tool.

They also don't think you're weird for treating your child as a human with rights, rather than some controlled object in desperate need of punishment... Which is an ideology that seems so normal, it's juvenile.

These moms didn't make me feel like an outsider...

And for how much I dislike what technology has done to our lives, at the same time, I'm grateful for it and who it brought into my life and the friends I've made because of it.

And the past four years have made me grow, because of the group I'm exposed to daily, with our shared lives and dreams.

So thank you to all who continue to support me and I hope I've helped your life in some way, the way other bloggers have for me.

And, in addition to this post, here are 10 things about me (in no apparent order), that maybe you didn't know...

1. I'm almost 36 years old.
2. I have a 7 year old daughter and in 2.5 months, a 5 year old son.
3. I have my Master degree in Occupational Therapy and I'm only 3 credits away from my Bachelors in Psychology. I wanted a dual degree because, I wanted to work on a psych ward or in a prison. But, during my graduate year, I was writing so many papers, plus my thesis, that I didn't want to take the last 3 credit research class to finish it off. My brain was fried. 
4. However, I always wanted to be a writer. When I was little, I used to write short stories all the time. And sometimes, I'd write short sketches and my brother and his friends would act them out for me. I even wrote a 100+ page sci-fi story that I hope one day, I'll rewrite into a novel... But, I bailed on that dream because my parents always made me feel like it was a stupid idea.
5. I played college field hockey and broke the records for single season goals and career goals and still own the record for them, 14 years later. I also was the only one from my school's team to be selected and participate in the division all-star team. Which was one of the most intimidating things I did.
6. I always thought I'd go back to work after my children were in school full time, but now I realized, that being a mom is what I was meant to do. And I never loved something more.
7. My husband and I have been together for 15 years and married for almost 9 years. It's a cliche, but I knew he was the one, as soon as I met him.
8. I love to eat, all the time. And not just junk food, but actual full meals.
9. I'm loud, talkative, obnoxious, and funny in "real life." Sadly, that side doesn't translate well into my words... I grew up watching stand up comedy from a young age and can recite almost any bit, the way people can recite song lyrics. George Carlin was my first show... And, If I wasn't scared to be in front of people, I'd be a stand up comedian -or at least, try.
10. I'm loyal to a fault and family is everything to me...

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