Monday, October 16, 2017

He's a boy, who is growing up...

From day one, this little boy was my right hand man... He has always been by my side and never spent a night away from me. As a baby, he was most likely found curled up, sleeping in my Maya Wrap, at any given time. He would lay there, peacefully sleeping while his little eyes were tightly closed and his puckered lips fell loose... I don't even think he was aware that he had the potential to walk, until well after his first birthday -And that was due to his above average large size, which made carrying him to be utilized only under dire need.

So when school began, I pictured a sad little boy who desperately wanted to stay close to his mama's security. I pictured a little boy reaching out for me and begging me to stay with him. I pictured him holding onto our hug, just a little bit longer than needed...

But instead, he was the opposite. He was eager and excited. And in some ways, of course he misses me, but mostly, he's very happy meeting new people and learning his letters. And at each pick-up, he cannot wait to tell me about what he and his friends did that day.

Once upon a time, he was this boy who didn't have weekly scheduled play dates with friends, like his sister once did. Instead, he's a boy who would much rather ride solo in his playroom and imagine with his Batman guys for hours. And oddly, he is a boy who exceeded my expectations and is happily attending preschool and rocking it like a boss...

He isn't thrown by being away from me. Instead, he's excelling.

But, he's a boy who his mama misses deeply. He's a boy who I still miss snuggled up in my wrap, close to my heart. And I'm still trying to find my groove of how to manage my down time, without being mauled by hugs and kisses, from my lovable son. 

It seems, he's having an easier time adjusting, than I am. And that makes me very proud, because he's moving in the direction he's supposed to... And for me, it does make it easier knowing that he's happily content while away from me. Otherwise, I'd be sad and stressed...

But for now, I will patiently wait until pick up time, where he cannot wait to jump in my arms and tell me all about his fun day.

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