Monday, June 7, 2021

Taking control of my health...

In less than a year, I'll be 40 years old... That number freaks me out so much, it's actually suffocating... And, it's not for a surface reason, like, I'm just getting older - Instead, my younger years are now behind me and I'm on the downslope to life. And, let's face it, I'm a child of the 1980s and that means, I haven't taken care of myself... At all.

My childhood and teens consisted of drinking Shasta soda out of a can, as young as 2 years old. Consuming poptarts, pizza rolls, and frozen TV dinners. And, eating Taco Bell and Dominoes Pizza after midnight... My diet was either processed foods, genetically modified, and had so many dyes in them, that Crayola would be jealous.

And, sometimes I wouldn't eat a fruit or vegetable for 6 months...

Oh, and we microwaved everything...

I used aluminum deodorants, sulfates and parabens in my shampoos, and lathering myself with liquid soap that only a chemist could decipher the ingredients - but gosh, it smelled so pretty!

I have all my vaccines, took antibiotics every time I had a sniffle, and popped ibuprofen consistently for 4 years during field hockey, due to my stress fractures and shin splints...

We grew up in a time where food was instant and hygiene and self care products were more about flare, rather than health.

I mean, cereal was thought to be a health food...

As I aged, I realized so much of what I was putting in my body and on my body was contributing to my declining health...

After doctor appointments and testing, I am rolling in the rest of this year, and eternity, with a new lifestyle...

2021 will signify growth and new beginnings, as it has for so many others...

My last hair dye was right before Christmas 2020. And, I recently have been gluten-free (1 month) and vegetarian (3 months). And, I'm trying so hard to be dairy free - But, this one seems to be my Everest... I no longer eat processed, prepackaged foods, or anything with dyes in it.

I've also made changes along the way, like, I haven't used a microwave and stopped using non stick pans about 11 years ago. I haven't used foil or plastic in about 5 years. And, hygiene and self care products were already switched to organic or homemade items. And, I've never worn make up, so that was simple👍

My children have eaten this way and lived this way since birth - It was just really hard for me to convert - I mean, poptarts are the greatest tasting thing ever! But, I couldn't continue down that road, living the Western lifestyle, as long as I have...

40 is going to be a celebration, not a fearful time that my life is deteriorating. By that time, hopefully all my ailments will be non-existent and the thought of reaching 95 years old, will feel obtainable...

Because, we know so much more now, than we ever did years prior. We know that the Western lifestyle is the unhealthiest. We know that America has the lowest standards when it comes to our food supply. We know that our mindset is to take medications for ailments, so we can continue living the same lifestyle, without ever changing anything.

We've become so accustomed to this... But, food should be nurturing, not causing distress.

We shouldn't be feeling so sick, achy, bloated, uncomfortable, etc, all the time.

We should be thriving...

And, that's how I'm going to live the next half of my life ❤

How many of you fit into this category?

**Disclaimer: This post is about my experience... The information provided, is what my doctor recommended for me to do. This post is not intended to treat, diagnosis, or offer advice with what you should be doing with your life. This is only written from my viewpoint, about myself.**
Follow me on Instagram @the_happy_days for daily posts and videos in my stories.

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