Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A day for wishes...

We walked hand in hand through the woods, with last year's leaves crunching beneath our feet. The air, too warm for mid September, but a rare cloudless sky hovered over our heads. We talked about what we each thought his sister was doing at that very second. Was she happy? Sad? Did she miss us as much as we missed her? He thought she might be in library, getting a Pigeon book for us to read tonight... I quietly hoped she did.

Then in mid conversation, he ran ahead of me where he knelt down and picked up one of those "blowy things" that was buried among the fallen leaves. He proudly held it up and said, "I could make a wish that I'll always be with you and sister forever." I smiled, not only at the gesture, but at his excitement while saying it. 

Instead, with his little hands clasped tightly around the weakened stem, he said, "I wish mommy will always be my best friend," then blew the white seeds into the wind... 

I thought both wishes were beautiful, but neither of those statements will ever require a wish to maintain... 

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