Friday, June 30, 2017

Last day of school... With a shout out to our district.

Today finally concludes the last day of our school year. And it was one of the longest, drawn out and emotionally charged, years I've ever experienced.

But here we are, on the 180th day, a day that didn't feel attainable just a few short weeks back. And now that we're here, it's bittersweet to say the least.

For one, I'm enamored to get my daughter back with me for 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week. To just snuggle her everyday, be on our own clock, and be here to answer her 100,000 questions a minute. And, to also help build back up her confidence, that was torn down over the school year. 

Secondly, I'm pretty heartbroken to be losing such an amazing teacher this year... As a stay at home mother, especially a peaceful parent, it takes a lot to impress me with outside assistance. But my daughter's teacher not only impressed me, but she exceeded every expectation that I ever had from a teacher. She is a teacher who took the time to invest in the emotions of her students. She didn't demand control over them, instead, she let them learn how they needed. Because to her, the end result was more important than the process. She is incredibly patient and understanding with her students and she let them be kids - a concept that is sometimes lost for elementary aged children. She had a wonderful balance of schooling and unschooling, which from a public school teacher, completely stole my heart...

In hindsight, I almost regret my daughter having her, because now, the bar was set so high, that I fear other teachers will have difficulty reaching it.

Additionally, I'm nervous upon conclusion, that the board will meet the demands of the teachers (if you've been following, you know about our district's strike and the ongoing negotiations)...

Also, I want to brag for a moment about my children's school. Because there are a lot perks, that I don't think our residents realize other districts don't have... Our school is amazing -top notch for a public school. It actually mirrors a Montessori program with it's limited regimented structure. And to those similar parents like me, you know how awesome that is.

For a public school, our class sizes are small, like 20 kids on average. And they rotate the children through smaller groups throughout the day to keep the sizes even smaller. Our elementary doesn't have grades, they use, approaching expectations, meeting expectations, and exceeding expectations. They test the kids over the four quarters and each marking period, they're evaluated and moved in and out of those smaller groups for reading and math.  So they get the special attention they need, or continue on a faster pace if needed... Also, if you have a disabled child, or a child with disabilities, they have countless aids, personal nurses, and staff designated to your child... We're also one of the few remaining districts with library class, music class, and art class. Plus, countless other activities like a school garden, field day, field trips, outdoor trips, sleigh riding in the winter, programs, etc.

I'm not great with numbers, nor the accountant for the school, but if the teachers receive what they're requesting, I'm nervous all the wonderful perks I just mentioned above will vanish. Because realistically, there is only so much financial wiggle room and our taxes are already one of the highest, if not, the highest in our area. And you see it all the time with budget cuts. 

But, less money equals less programs. And, less programs means more structure and less moving about. Then, this district, which is nationally ranked and coveted by other districts, will soon be just like all the rest.

And that stresses me out more than this school year did.

And I know, the easy solution is to homeschool. Hell, I talk about it enough. But right now, this school offers so much that my daughter loves, it's just the social factors she has trouble with.

Lastly, I'm deflated that I woke up this morning and in the blink of an eye, I now have a second grader and preschooler in my home.

Everything that occurred this year (with the school), distracted me from the bigger picture. And, I'm not as prepared as I thought I would be. And I don't think my daughter was either...

She spent the last night, before her last day, chatting about the year. We sat on her bed, in the dark room, and reminisced about her fun times, meeting new friends, and times spent with friends. And now that the day is here, she doesn't want to say goodbye.

She also cannot fathom that she'll be a second grader either... 
I'm glad that makes two of us.

But as I sit here and write this, I'm happy that this is the last day that I'll be home during the day without my little girl. That, starting tomorrow, our summer break officially begins. And from here on out, we anticipate our camping days, nighttime fires, amusement park trips, birthday parties, adventures, swimming, and our end of the summer beach vacation...

And even though our summer break isn't as long as everyone else's, ours will still rock just the same...

We might have arrived late to the party, but we brought the music...

So, let's get this party started!

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