Friday, March 3, 2017

A day in the life of a mom, when her children are sick...

It's been well over a week since both my children have been sick... We've been to the doctors once and had two phone conversations with their doctor since. Antibiotics are almost through and fevers are still sustained. Coughs are intense and fluids are plentiful. 1 million, is the approximate number of steps I have taken during the hours of 9:00 pm - 6:00 am. 3 million, is the number of times I have woken up to stare at my sleeping children, feel their foreheads, adjust their bodies, and apply cold compresses. Many days of school have been missed and I haven't seen the outside since last week. I haven't slept a full night in 8 days and my husband has worked more 12 hour days this week than normal --I'm starting to think, that was on purpose... 

And, it's basically just been the children and I for 24 hours a day for 8 days...

And I'm tired and stir-crazy and mentally exhausted...

I cannot remember the last time I showered, but I'm pretty positive, it wasn't in a socially acceptable time frame.

And while I'm writing this, I'm still in the same clothes that I've slept the last two nights in.

Like my last post stated (Sicknesses, yet again...), I'm not a veteran with my children being sick. This is the first time they truly have been sick and somehow, they contracted a mutant bug that even a Z-pack will not knock out. But I am familiar with illnesses and my parental nerves have gotten the best of me during this time. It just didn't feel normal to have a fever for so many days. So, I've turned into THAT parent, who called the doctor for constant reassurance. And I'm pretty sure, my doctor will change her phone number soon.

But here we are, day 8, my daughter's fever has broke (as of this post) and my son's fever is 103. But, as my eyes are only open due to the 15 cups of coffee I've consumed, my daughter pulled a hail mary this morning and got out of our warm bed, to refill her brother's orange juice cup... On her own... Without me even asking...

She sat next to him on the couch and caressed his warm head, while I made breakfast... And, she's reading chapters of her school's reading book to him, while his tired eyes follow her words.

This precious little girl of mine, always had a knack of sensing other's emotions. When she was younger, she would save my sanity with a perfectly timed hug, or an, "I love you mama." When I felt like I was this close to losing it, she would pull it all back together, just by being her.

So, as I finish this final paragraph, on the same small couch as my two beloved children, watching the same Color Crew series for the hundredth time and a cold cup of coffee in my hand, I finally feel a little more at ease... Maybe because I had some cupcakes and cupcakes always make everything so much better... But also, because, one out of two of my children are on the mend. And with the two of us, sharing our love to our littlest one, I'm sure he'll be on the mend a lot quicker...

Because love and comfort is truly the best medicine...

And a Z-pack...
That stuff is strong.

And possibly, a shower (for me, not him)... 

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