Monday, May 9, 2016

A special Mother's Day

For the past 5 years, I haven't really celebrated Mother's Day. Not because I didn't want to, but because there was always something going on. Whether it was my husband and I going through one of our many "not talking" bits, or, the day just seemed like any other day to me. Mother's Day never felt like it was special or it was something to celebrate. Heck, every day in my home is "mother's day" -- "mom, can you get me more fruit?" "mom, can I have more juice?" "mom, where are my crayons?" 

I would try to build up the day in my head, only to be deflated by the reality. Though, I could always count on my daughter to hand me a card that she made all by herself, because she "loved me so much" and I was the "best momma ever." But my husband never took the time to plan something for us to do, or involve the children with the day.

But this year was different. 

This year, it seems like all the stars were aligned. It seems like I finally have life running in a groove where I don't become as easily frazzled or feel like I'm all alone in this parenting journey. Life feels picture perfect and precise in my soul. And for once, my husband is now a bigger part of our everyday, not just an extra body in the home for decoration.  

This year, my husband and I have finally choreographed our own dance in life. After an inconsistent 5 year stint, we effectively figured out how to be happy together in this role as parents. We both have always gotten along perfectly as husband and wife, but we couldn't seem to meet halfway with our parenting. Our parenting is just so different, which is weird, because we're not very different. As all you readers know, I'm more a hands on parent, with my helicoptering ways. Whereas, he is much more of a parent who conducts from the couch. His famous words were, "oh they're fine." And that always pierced through me like a sword. 

With that, this year on Mother's Day, my husband helped our children create beautiful cards... They were filled with stickers, glitter, and heartfelt words -and my daughter's own handwriting and my son's own scribbles. They were so eager to place them right beside me, as they woke me up in the morning. Their faces were plastered with ear to ear smiles and I couldn't wait to hug their little bodies and squeeze them tightly, while telling them how lucky I am to be their momma.

Those cards now have a permanent home hanging front and center on my fridge for the world to see...

Oh, and my children were also fed breakfast by their dad before I woke up... He also bought me birkenstock sandals that I pined after for years. Included with that, was a diffuser and an essential oil named, Happy Days. I know, it was pretty sweet and a neat play on words. 

That was only just the morning. In the afternoon, we were lucky enough to finally have a warm, clear blue day, where we spent it at a local park with my husband's family. Included was, my husband's dad, his wife, my husband's sister and her kids, and my husband's step sisters and one of the step sister's family. (All the grandkids are approximately in the same age group). At the pavilion area, we created an old fashion fun day. We played wiffle ball, kick ball, and volley ball. And we did three legged races, egg tosses, and egg on a spoon races. We even built sand castles and went on a scavenger hunt. 

The children had an incredible time just being one with the outdoors. And I loved watching them, while being surrounded by family.

We ate our food on a blanket in the grass and let the sun kiss our yearning bodies. The air around was peaceful and the wind whipped through the trees. But as life would have it, the title of Mother's Day didn't stop my son from being a 3 year old. And let's face it, sometimes, it's tough being a 3 year old. My daughter was off playing with her cousins, while my son tantrumed about wanting to go home. For no reason that a rational person could think of, but perfectly rational for him. He cried, I cuddled, he cried some more, and I loved him some more. After awhile, he settled down, just about the time frame when I wanted to drive away by myself and try my luck as gypsy, instead of this motherhood gig. 

But the day ended the way it was meant to, with everyone smiling and happy and enjoying the company of loving family members. My son eventually joined the crowd and played a round or two of wiffle ball -and even helped his sister tackle his older cousin for the ball and chased him around. Nevertheless, this day will go down in the books as one of the better family fun filled days we had in a long time. And not only was my Mother's Day incredibly special this year, but it felt completely natural, like the way every Mother's Day should be.

And it's not about the gifts I received, but more about the appreciation my husband showed for me on this day. His actions illustrated his respect for me as the mother of his children. Something, I think he took for granted the years prior. This year, he built up the day, talked about it, and by him taking charge and capturing the day, that allowed my children to celebrate with me. That is the memory I'm taking away from this Mother's Day.

I hope all you readers had a very special Mother's Day too! 

**Remember to follow me on my social media sites -I post just about daily on Instagram if you want to see more. 

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