Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Mid Week Humor: Humor challenge!

I've thought about this long and hard. I was trying to figure out a way to have a weekly challenge to engage more conversations on my blog. So after much consideration, I've decided that I'm going to start a weekly mid week humor challenge. Each Wednesday, I'll submit something humorous or silly that has happened in my parenting world. Then, you all could join in on the conversation by adding your own humor stories to the comment section on the original post over on my blog. Or, you could hashtag it with #thehappydayshumor on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (be sure to follow me on those sites as well to continue the conversation -you can follow me on those sites by clicking the appropriate icons in the right side column of my blog's page). Maybe, even add a photo and the hashtag... Humor is one of my main crutches with being a mom and I'm excited to hear all your relatable experiences too. This way, we can all laugh at the joys of parenthood together...

To start, here's my Mid Week Humor Post...

After my son sang about 3 nursery rhyme songs, back to back, I pushed my luck by asking for one more. He then replied, "ugh! I can't right now momma, because my legs are sooooo tired. I need to take a break." Not his voice, but his legs were tired... Children say the darndest things.

*Now add yours to the comment section...

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